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Why Does Coffee Make Me Nauseous?

There is nothing like starting the day with a fresh cup of java.

Unfortunately, sometimes coffee can make one feel nauseous.

Let’s look at some of the reasons why this happens.

Why Does Coffee Cause Bloating?

When caffeine passes from the stomach to the small intestine, it stimulates the release of cholecystokinin (CCK).

This in turn promotes gallbladder contraction and pancreatic enzyme secretion.

If you have a sensitive stomach, this could cause nausea or vomiting.

Coffee also stimulates gastrin secretion, which causes increased gastric acid production and abdominal bloating.

The reason why some people get nauseous from coffee might be due to genetic differences in liver enzymes that break down caffeine.

Caffeine can stimulate epinephrine, a hormone that elevates blood pressure and heart rate.

People with hypertension should limit their intake of coffee as it causes them to take medication more frequently.

Some other symptoms associated with drinking too much coffee are muscle spasms, tremors, insomnia, and heart palpitations.

People who drink coffee on an empty stomach are more likely to experience nausea than people who have just eaten or drank milk before drinking their morning cup of joe.

Sometimes the caffeine causes the body to create excess stomach acid which results in indigestion and heartburn.

Coffee can also cause migraines in some people, so if you already have them, it might be best not to drink coffee at all.

If you do feel nauseous after drinking coffee, consider switching to decaf for a while until your digestive system adjusts.

Does Cream or Sugar Help?

When you add cream and sugar to your coffee, the fat plus sugar coat the stomach lining so it can digest it more easily.

While this is a good idea if you suffer from excess stomach acid, it also means that you risk ingesting excess calories as well as caffeine or other stimulants such as epinephrine.

On the other hand, some people are lactose intolerant.

So milk and milk products will irritate your digestive system and cause gas or bloating.

Luckily, there are plenty of plant-based milk options to use as an alternative.

If black coffee irritates you, try using less cream and sugar than usual to see if this makes a difference in how you feel afterward.

You can also try switching to decaf for a while until the problem resolves itself.

If you get nausea right away when you drink your first cup of coffee, try drinking half of it, then finishing it later in the day.

Should I Drink Coffee With Food?

Experts say that it is best not to drink coffee on an empty stomach, but if you can’t resist, don’t have more than one cup each day.

If you are feeling nauseous after drinking your morning cup of joe, consider eating something before having another cup.

It is best to eat something like toast with peanut butter or plain crackers before you drink coffee.

This will help to prevent the symptoms from occurring.

Some people have reported that orange juice helps them to calm their stomachs after drinking coffee.

When Should I Avoid Coffee?

People with irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, or ulcerative colitis, should avoid coffee altogether.

These three conditions are all associated with excess stomach acid, so by avoiding coffee you will reduce the risk of further upsetting your digestive system.

How Can I Prevent Nausea From Coffee?

If you are already drinking coffee but get nauseous every time you do, try drinking it right after eating a meal or snack instead of on an empty stomach.

You can also supplement your morning cup of Joe with some ginger ale to ease nausea.

Make sure you stay hydrated with water and use this as your first beverage in the morning.

Coffee is a diuretic which means that it makes your body expel more water than it takes in.

This will leave you feeling dehydrated, which can cause nausea and other problems like headaches.

You may also want to experiment with different types of coffee to see if certain brands, roast types, or grind levels work better for you.

Can Instant Coffee Make You Nauseous?

Instant coffee is made by evaporating the water from regular brewed coffee.

It may have additives that differ from those found in brewed coffee.

Exposure to heat or other conditions during processing can result in increased levels of mycotoxins, which are toxic compounds produced by mold.

The mycotoxins are usually in small quantities, but if the coffee is not processed correctly it may affect how you process it.

Will I Get Nausea From Cold Brew?

Cold brew coffee is made by steeping the ground beans in cold water for a long period.

It has been proven to be less acidic than hot coffee – as much as 67% less acidic.

So this may be a better option for sensitive stomachs.

Can I Avoid Nausea With Organic Coffee?

Some people feel nauseous after drinking coffee, no matter how they make it or what additives they add.

Organic coffee is often processed with fewer chemical additives but it does still contain some caffeine, theobromine, and other compounds which can cause nausea.

Can The Roast Level Affect Nausea?

Dark roasted coffee beans are often less acidic than light or medium roast beans.

So try sipping some dark roast if you have not tried it yet.

Do Coffee Flavored Products Cause Stomach Illness?

Coffee flavored desserts, snacks, and candies often contain some coffee but can have other ingredients that may not make you feel well.

For example, some coffee-flavored ice creams will cause bloating if you are lactose intolerant.

Coffee flavored candy’s sugar content is more likely to make you nauseous than the coffee’s presence.

Can Drinking Coffee Make Me Nauseous In Other Ways?

If you drink a lot of coffee, then it can irritate your stomach and cause nausea or indigestion.

You might also feel nauseous if you are drinking coffee to stay awake when you should be sleeping.

Daily coffee drinkers may try taking a break for one or two weeks to see if their nausea symptoms improve.

Sweeteners or syrups are often added to popular coffee drinks at cafes, especially flavored ones.

These sweeteners might cause nausea or other symptoms.

Flavored syrups might also contain gluten, which can make a person feel sick.

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